UraStop Patient Reviews

"I received the M!C (UraStop) today. I’m leaving on a trip on Saturday morning and won’t be home until September 1st. What a pleasant surprise. Now I’ll be wearing the M!C. I didn’t remember how comfortable it was compared to other similar devices and the size is great.
Thank You again!"

-George T.

As a 15 year prostate cancer survivor with total incontinence, I had used condom catheters and every clamp and device on the market, all of which were uncomfortable; and none of which provided the degree of continence, comfort and convenience that allowed me to continue working full time and participate in an active lifestyle. My life was dramatically improved when I came upon the now unavailable Davis Clamp. While being a remarkable improvement over other clamps, it would sometimes pop open during strenuous activities and would eventually break (at the most inconvenient time). The Urastop is a highly improved, comfortable, more durable version of that clamp; and has allowed me to get back to doing physical activities that I had thought were only a part of my past.

-Roger S.